Established through the Predominantly Black Institutions Competitive Grant, Start Strong to Finish Strong, the Center for Professional Excellence (CPE) offers Quality Matters guidance and professional development for all full-time and adjunct faculty at Augusta Technical College. Professional development through the CPE focuses on improving student outcomes through teaching and learning.

The Space
The CPE offers a space for faculty development and general use. The space includes:
- Seating for up to 30 people
- 24 laptops
- 6 desktops
- Flexible furniture to suit your needs.
- Technology Enhanced Classroom that connects via Webex.
Potential uses for the space:
- Departmental Professional Development
- Meetings/Conferences
- Collaborative Workspace
Professional Development
The CPE Coordinator offers professional development based on the needs of your group. Potential topics include:
- Course Mapping
- Aligning activities to outcomes
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Creating formative and summative assessments
- Varied assessments
- Aligning assessments to outcomes
- Providing culturally relevant instruction
- Creating Community
- Understanding Accessible Course Design
- Communicating with Students
- Feedback
- Scaffolding and Chunking
- Activities for virtual and in-person learners
- Examining methods to improve engagement.
For More Information
Ashley Dieterich | 706.771.4090
Meet the Coordinator:
Ashley holds an Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction. With over 15 years of experience in education and a passion for creating learning experiences, Ashley is excited to be a member of the ATC community.
CPE Blackboard
Organization Page
The Augusta Technical College Center for Professional Excellence is funded by
U.S. Department of Education Predominantly Black Institutions Competitive Program Award#: P382A210033-22